Constitution of this land, with which we should all be familiar, is the only
constitution in the world bearing the stamp of approval of the Lord Jesus
Christ.” (Be True to God, Country, and Self; Young Adult Fireside; 11
February 1979.)
“About two
hundred years ago some inspired men walked this land. Not perfect men, but men raised up by the
Perfect Man to perform a great work.
Foreordained were they to lay the foundation of this republic. Blessed by the Almighty in their struggle for
liberty and independence, the power of heaven rested on these founders as they
drafted that great document for governing men – the Constitution of the United States . Like the Ten Commandments – the truths on
which the Constitution were based were timeless; and also as with the Decalogue
– the hand of the Lord was in it. They
filled their mission well. From them we
were endowed with a legacy of liberty – a constitutional republic.” (An
Enemy Hath Done This, p. 53)
is my firm conviction – no, more than that – it is my certain knowledge that
the greatness of our beloved nation was foreshadowed and foreseen by ancient
prophets who lived here. It is assuring
to know that this nation has a prophetic history, that of the great events that
have transpired here, including the coming of Columbus ,
the Pilgrim Fathers, and the War for Independence ,
were foreseen by ancient prophets.” (The
Red Carpet, p. 107)
“The Constitution was designed to work only
with a moral and righteous people. ‘Our
Constitution,’ said John Adams, ‘was made only for a moral and religious
people. It is wholly inadequate in the
government of any other.’”
recognizing God as the source of their rights, the Founding Fathers declared
Him to be the ultimate authority for their basis of law. This led them to the conviction that people
do not make law but merely acknowledge preexisting law, giving it specific
application. The Constitution was
conceived to be such an expression of higher law. And when their work was done, James Madison
wrote: ‘It is impossible for the man on pious reflection not to perceive in it
a finder of the Almighty hand which has been so frequently and signally
extended to our relief in the critical stage of the revolution.’” (The Constitution: A Heavenly Banner, p.
coming forth of the Constitution is of such transcendent importance in the
Lord’s plan that ancient prophets foresaw the event and prophesied of it. In the dedicatory prayer for the Idaho Falls Temple ,
President George Albert Smith indicated that the Constitution fulfilled the
ancient prophecy of Isaiah that ‘out of Zion
shall go forth the law’ (Isaiah 2:3). He
thank thee that thou hast revealed to us that those who gave us our
constitutional form of government were wise men in thy sight and that thou
didst raise them up for the very purpose of putting forth that sacred document
[the Constitution of the United States]. . . .
pray that kings and rulers and the people of all nations under heaven may be
persuaded of the blessings enjoyed by the people of this land by reason of
their freedom and under thy guidance and be constrained to adopt similar
government systems, thus to fulfill the ancient prophecy of Isaiah and Micah
that ‘out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from
Jerusalem.’” (The
Constitution: A Heavenly Banner, p. 16.)
Learn more at www.TheGloriousCauseOfAmerica.org
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