Monday, January 13, 2014

The Miracle Fog at the Battle of Long Island

By late summer of 1776, the British were fully engaged with the “uprising” in America.  By August 12th, their naval armada anchored in New York Harbor numbered nearly four hundred ships.  More than 32,000 well-trained, well-supplied, healthy, professional soldiers gathered on Staten Island outnumbered the citizens of New York City (or any other city in America at the time).  British officers proudly reminded each other that they had the most powerful, well-equipped military force ever sent by any nation.  Many of their men believed the American revolt would be over in a few short weeks and they would be home in time for Christmas. 

For the struggling Continental Army, the situation was very different.  The army had been rushed from Boston, only to wait all summer long while their enemy grew in size and confidence.  It had been a long, hot summer with temperatures in the mid 90’s.  In the oppressive heat and humidity of Long Island, camp fever, typhoid fever, and small pox had become epidemic with nearly two-thirds of the army ill.  American soldiers were mostly undisciplined shopkeepers and farmers; few of their officers had never seen battle.  Lacking standardized uniforms, a simple sprig of green in a man’s hat identified him an enlisted soldier.  Recruiting efforts had been low and desertions high.  Uncertain where the British might attack, General Washington appeared indecisive, changing his orders and his commanders often, which only added to his troop’s frustration.  It was clearly not a proud time for American forces. 

On August 22nd, British troops transported 15,000 troops and 40 pieces of artillery to the south shore of Brooklyn.  Within days, 5,000 Hessians (hired German soldiers) joined them, bringing General Howe’s forces on Long Island to 20,000.  Washington was convinced Howe’s troop movement was simply a diversion and that the real attack would come on Manhattan.  His spies had critically underestimated Howe’s invasion party and he was hesitant to commit more troops to Brooklyn.  American troops were then divided into two groups; about 10,000 in Manhattan, and about 7,500 across the East River entrenched on the north shore of Brooklyn protecting Fort Stirling.  The high hills overlooking the East River and South Manhattan made the fort a strategic outpost. 

On the morning of August 27th, Howe’s army attacked.  American troops were quickly outmaneuvered.  They fought desperately but were swiftly overwhelmed by superior forces.  By noon, about 300 Americans had been killed, 1,000 taken prisoner, and thousands more were in full retreat towards the safety of Fort Stirling.  It was an embarrassing day for Washington and his army. 

The retreat left the Americans in a desperate situation: severely outnumbered, low on powder, trapped at the north shore of Long Island, with enemy ground troops steadily advancing.  The Brits might have easily sailed a few war ships into the mouth of the East River, completely surrounding the fort and cutting off any relief forces coming from Manhattan.  Fortunately for the Americans, an unrelenting wind from the northeast had been blowing for days, keeping British ships anchored in the harbor.     

August 28th was a rainy day, the temperature had dropped to the low-80s and strong northeast winds continued to blow.   British ground troops spent most of their day digging trenches through the mud, coming to within 100 yards of the fort.  Despite the constant rain, the two armies kept a relentless watch of each other’s movements with a healthy spattering of gunfire throughout the day.  General Howe had been strongly advised to attack, but waited for a more pleasant day to fight.  Washington had 1,500 reinforcement troops rowed from Manhattan to Fort Stirling, which brightened morale of his men in the fort only temporarily. 

That afternoon, Washington decided to abandon the fort, but with so many spies and Tories within his ranks, it was vital that his strategy for retreat remain secret, even from his own men.  If the British discovered the retreat, they would immediately attack and easily overpower the remaining Americans.  The plan was a virtual death sentence for the last men to leave the fort.   

Washington’s officers in Manhattan and New Jersey immediately began assembling every boat they could find, but were intentionally misled into thinking they would be transporting men to Fort Stirling.  By 7:00 PM, soldiers in the fort were ordered to assemble for a night attack.  Hungry, cold, exhausted, with wet powder and little hope, they questioned the command - yet obeyed.  By 9:00 PM, empty boats began to arrive and rear units around the fort were told to fall back and assist at the docks.  Only when they gathered at the shore did the men discover they were in full retreat.  The constant wind made it easy for empty boats to arrive from Manhattan but impossible for them to return.  By midnight, the officer in charge of loading the boats sent an urgent request to Washington to abandon the plan - not a single boat had crossed successfully.  Almost immediately after the message was sent, the wind died and a peaceful calm came over the river.  Gentle winds from the southwest began to blow allowing the retreat to begin. 

 The remainder of the night, men labored ceaselessly to transport troops, cannons, supplies, and equipment across the river.  More and more units were told to fall back without anyone on the front lines knowing a retreat was under way.  The frantic work continued but by 5:30 AM, nearly 3,000 men remained.  Just as the morning light began to expose their dwindling front lines, a freakish summer fog settled over Brooklyn and the southern half of the river.  The fog was so dense that men could barely see each other at five feet and completely disappeared at ten.  The fog also obscured the view of the British fleet from viewing dozens of small crafts rowing back and forth across the river.  The fog had an additional benefit of muffling any sounds of troop movement. 

Rowers made as many as 18 trips back and forth over the mile-wide stretch of river, in and out of the fog.  By midmorning, the evacuation of 9,000 men was complete and General Washington personally commanded the last boat across the river.  Not until every American soldier had been evacuated did the fog suddenly lift.  Within minutes, stunned British soldiers flooded across the walls of an empty Fort Stirling.  They fired a few rifles toward the departing boats, but the distance was too great to be effective.

Some of the greatest victories of the American Revolution and perhaps George Washington’s greatest genius as a military leader were attributed to battles he never fought.  After his escape from Long Island, the British, well known for their majestic fox hunts, justifiably labeled Washington as the “the old fox”.  But that day, August 29, 1776, thousands of Americans were witnesses to being miraculously delivered by the power of God; leaving the infant Continental Army to fight another day. 

Sources: (1) Henry B. Carrington; Battles of the American Revolution; 5th Edition (1888), pp. 199-219 / (2) David McCullough; 1776; Simon & Schuster Paperbacks © 2005; pp. 155-191/ (3) Peter Marshall & David Manuel; The Light and the Glory 1492 – 1793; Revell © 2009; pp. 391-398 / (4) Chris Stewart & Ted Stewart; Seven Miracles That Saved America; Shadow Mountain © 2009; 89-119 / (5) C. Brian Kelly; Best Little Stories from the American Revolution; Cumberland House © 1999; pp. 144-149


  1. Thank you for your posts!I am pinning them to my Pinterest boards, so Americans can read them.I was angry when I first read about George Washington's bullet proof coat and the Miracle of the fog in a Christian book I recently read,because I feel my country has lied to me by being silent through my history books,as these stories were never in them.As a Christian,these stories are so very important to our nation and to us as a people.I will keep checking back to see what other great American stories you have written.Thank you and LORD bless your endeavors!

  2. Thank you for sharing the great stories of God's miracles in the founding of America. Thank you for your blessings. May the Lord's blessing be upon you and your family as well. Godspeed my friend.
